Saturday, April 24, 2010

How To Melt Chocolate Easily

Quick Tip: Break chocolate into pieces before melting, this will make the process go faster.
Double-Boiler Method:

  • Use a double-boiler or put chocolate chunks in a small round-bottomed bowl (glass) and place over hot water. Stir every few minutes until chocolate is fully melted then remove from heat.
  • Do not boil water, as the steam may get into the chocolate and cause it to become lumpy plus splashes of water in the chocolate will make it unusable.
  • Never melt chocolate over direct heat as it scorches very easily resulting in bitter or grainy chocolate.
Melting Chocolate In The Microwave:
  • Heat at 30 second intervals, stir between each cooking session and make sure you don’t overheat the chocolate or it will be bitter.
Melting Chocolate In The Oven:
  • Preheat oven to 250°F. then turn off the heat. Place chocolate chunks in an oven-safe dish and set it on the middle rack of the oven. Remove when chocolate is melted (stir every few minutes while melting).

Handy Tip For Getting Every Bit Of Chocolate

To save time and avoid waste, remove melted chocolate that clings to sides and bottom of bowl as follows…
  1. Mix 1 tablespoon granulated sugar into remaining chocolate.
  2. Remove mixture easily with spoon; blend and use with balance of melted chocolate.
  3. Bowl is left clean; ready for rinsing; no waste.
  4. If desired, to compensate for this extra sugar, reduce by 1 tablespoon sugar quantity specified in recipe being followed.