I thought I would post it here, so you can do it too! :D
Congratulations! You are a member of an elite group---on of those people chosen to participate in an incredible test of endurance and survival.
As a member of the "Christian" tribe, you'll be placed immediately into a hostile country full of danger and peril. Your challenge is to successfully navigate this alien territory, avoiding the many pitfalls, to arrive safely in the beautiful land of freedom and rest beyond.
Though the contest before you may seem impossible to win, recall the lessons you've studied in the approved survival manual---your Bible---as you forge ahead. This information, used properly, will guarantee you a successful journey.
You will meet some previous survivors along the way---individuals who have experienced many of the same challenges you have faced, and who will test your knowledge of the survival manual.
Please understand that these fellow travelers cannot walk your path for you---they can only help to point you in the proper direction.
Now, the time has arrived---best wishes to you as you face the challenge of the Bible Survival.
Good morning. I am the mother of Samuel. On this island, as in life, you will need both spiritual gifts and tangible goods to survive. Because an active prayer life is essential to spiritual health, which is in turn first and foremost to survival, this challenge focuses on my story. Godspeed!
My name is:
(I'll post the answers a day or two after I post the quiz)
Quiz Questions:
1. Hannah's story takes place in:
a. 2 Samuel
b. 1 Chronicles
c. 1 Samuel
d. 1 Samuel
2. Hannah's husband, Elkanah, was a native of where?
3. When she discovered Hannah was barren, Elkanah's second wife, Peninnah:
a. sold Hannah two mandrakes to make her more fertile.
b. went to the temple and prayed along with Hannah.
c. made fun of Hannah.
d. shared her mandrakes with Hannah.
4. True of False: Elkanah's love for Hannah withered as her barrenness continued unabated.
5. When Eli saw Hannah praying, he thought she was......
6. When Hannah prayed to the Lord for a son, she promised Him that:
a. no razor would touch his head.
b. she would name him "Samuel".
c. her son would pray to the Lord each day.
d. Eli would be his mentor.
7. True or False: Once Eli discovered the petition of Hannah's prayer, he told her to go in peace.
8. Hannah named her son Samuel because:
a. she had promised the Lord she would.
b. she had asked the Lord for him.
c. she was told by God in a vision what to name him.
d. Eli said the Samuel should be the boy's name.
9. Hannah presented Samuel to Eli soon after he was:
a. circumcised
b. bar mitzvahed
c. weaned
d. betrothed
10. The temple where Hannah took Samuel was located in....
11. Hannah said of Samuel, "I have lent him to the Lord." For how long?
12. True or False: After Samuel was gone, Hannah regretted her decision.
13. After Samuel's birth, Hannah had:
a. no more children
b. one other son
c. three sons and two daughters
d. one son and four daughters.
14. Each year when he was a child, Hannah made Samuel a .....
15. Eli didn't realize his sons were corrupt until after Samuel was grown.
(I'll post the answers a day or two after I post the quiz)
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